Visible Body - Human Anatomy Atlas
![]() | Lund University students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is required. |
Visible Body - Human Anatomy Atlas
Visible Body - Human Anatomy Atlas is an online program that covers human anatomy and physiology through interactive 3D models, animations, quizzes, and more. The resource is available online and as an app for tablets and smart phones. The content is created by medical visualization experts and is reviewed. If you are affiliated to Lund University you can also access the resource off campus.
Installing mobile apps:
If your access is via institutional IP: Using the mobile device’s browser, go to When the page loads you should see the apps associated with the IP range of your device. Make sure to turn off your mobile data connection to ensure your mobile device is connecting through the institutional WIFI network IP range.
Instructions for off-campus users to receive user credentials for Visible Body apps:
- Via your institutional IP range, or via your institute's proxy server go to
- Click "Off Campus?"
- Submit your email address, and VB will ask you for a verification code.
- You will receive an email with the verification code immediately.
- Enter the verification code received by email and hit submit.
- You will now receive your user credentials both on-screen as well as by email.
- On your mobile device click on the VB app link and follow the instructions.
Keywords: Anatomy, Physiology
Visible Body - Human Anatomy Atlas är en digital anatomiresurs. Den består av webbaserade program som stödjer lärande inom anatomi och fysiologi, genom interaktiva 3D-modeller, animationer, definitioner, quiz med mera. Resursen finns tillgänglig både online och som app för surfplattor och smartphones. Innehållet är skapat av medicinska visualiseringsexperter och är kvalitetsgranskat.
Som student eller anställd har du tillgång till resursen även utanför campus genom att logga in med studentkonto/Lucatidentitet.
Ämnesord: anatomi, fysiologi
End user license agreement
The licensed databases may only be used for personal and scientific use, as well as for research and educational purposes. It is strictly forbidden to change, rewrite, systematically copy, redistribute, sell, publish or in any way use the material in commercial purposes.
De licensierade databaserna innehåller material som endast får användas för personligt och vetenskapligt bruk, samt för forsknings- och undervisningsändamål. Det är absolut förbjudet att ändra, omarbeta, systematiskt kopiera, redistribuera, sälja, publicera, eller på annat sätt använda materialet i kommersiellt syfte.