Percussion Orchestrations
![]() | Lund University students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is required. |
Percussion Orchestrations is the brainchild of eminent percussionist Ed Cervenka. It is a database of Timpani and Percussion requirements for orchestral, operatic and contemporary repertoire. Each work included is broken down by movement, and denotes specifically which instruments each player requires, and for more complex works, explanatory notes are included.
Please note: For Percussion Orchestrations you need to receive a login at Malmö Academy of Music (Musikhögskolan i Malmö). Ask for login credentials at the Library desk.
End user license agreement
The licensed databases may only be used for personal and scientific use, as well as for research and educational purposes. It is strictly forbidden to change, rewrite, systematically copy, redistribute, sell, publish or in any way use the material in commercial purposes.
De licensierade databaserna innehåller material som endast får användas för personligt och vetenskapligt bruk, samt för forsknings- och undervisningsändamål. Det är absolut förbjudet att ändra, omarbeta, systematiskt kopiera, redistribuera, sälja, publicera, eller på annat sätt använda materialet i kommersiellt syfte.