Film Platform
![]() | Lund University students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is required. |
Film Platform is an innovative collaboration between some of the leading filmmakers and sales agents around the world to bring the finest documentary films to an academic audience. Our international selection of films introduce new concepts, expose students to fresh perspectives, and enhance classroom discussions. Through these films people and ideas from the most far-flung, inaccessible corners of the world can be brought straight into the classroom to challenge and engage your students.
Content type: video; film; streaming
End user license agreement
The licensed databases may only be used for personal and scientific use, as well as for research and educational purposes. It is strictly forbidden to change, rewrite, systematically copy, redistribute, sell, publish or in any way use the material in commercial purposes.
De licensierade databaserna innehåller material som endast får användas för personligt och vetenskapligt bruk, samt för forsknings- och undervisningsändamål. Det är absolut förbjudet att ändra, omarbeta, systematiskt kopiera, redistribuera, sälja, publicera, eller på annat sätt använda materialet i kommersiellt syfte.