PEDro: the Physiotherapy Evidence Database

PEDro: the Physiotherapy Evidence Database

PEDro gives physiotherapists and others rapid access to abstracts and bibliographic details of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. Most trials on the database have been rated for quality.

The Centre of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy was established by a small group of clinical and academic physiotherapists. It is based at the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. The Centre functions as a non-profit organisation to facilitate physiotherapy research and implementation of effective physiotherapy through consultation.

Subject Headings: physical therapy

PEDro ger fysioterapeuter och andra snabb tillgång till abstracts och bibliografiska referenser till randomiserade kontrollerade studier, systematiska litteraturöversikter och kliniska riktlinjer inom fysioterapi. Flertalet studier har kvalitetsgraderats.

The Centre of Evidence-based Physiotherapy startades av en mindre grupp kliniska och akademiska fysioterapeuter på the School of Physiotherapy på universitet i Sydney. Centret är en icke vinstgivande organisation som tillgängliggör forskning och implementering av effektiva behandlingsmetoder.

Ämnesord: fysioterapi