MLA Directory of Periodicals (EBSCOhost)
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MLA Directory of Periodicals (EBSCOhost)
The MLA Directory of Periodicals database offers detailed information on journals currently indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.
Over 5,500 titles are included in the Directory of Periodicals, of these over 4,400 are currently indexed in the International Bibliography. The detailed entries include editorial contact information with addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, frequency of publication, descriptions of the periodicals' scopes, circulation figures, subscription prices and addresses, advertising information, and submission guidelines. The directory also provides statistics on how many articles and book reviews the periodicals publish each year, as well as how many are submitted.
End user license agreement
The licensed databases may only be used for personal and scientific use, as well as for research and educational purposes. It is strictly forbidden to change, rewrite, systematically copy, redistribute, sell, publish or in any way use the material in commercial purposes.
De licensierade databaserna innehåller material som endast får användas för personligt och vetenskapligt bruk, samt för forsknings- och undervisningsändamål. Det är absolut förbjudet att ändra, omarbeta, systematiskt kopiera, redistribuera, sälja, publicera, eller på annat sätt använda materialet i kommersiellt syfte.