HEP INSPIRE - High-Energy Physics Literature Database

HEP INSPIRE - High-Energy Physics Literature Database

The INSPIRE HEP database provides a rich information structure for papers in high energy physics. Where applicable each record is provided with links to fulltext (arXiv, journal server pages, scanned images), related experiments, citation search, the references of the paper, the reaction data, conference information, full author lists for large collaborations. SPIRES databases hosted online at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center): HEP, HEPNames, Institutions, Conferences, Experiments, Jobs, Videos, CODEN, SLAC Library Catalog, SLAC Speak, FreeHEP, SLAC Photographs, SLAC Seminars.

INSPIRE HEP-databasen ger informationsstruktur för vetenskaplig publicering inom högenergifysik. I tillämpliga fall är varje post försedd med länkar till fulltext (arXiv, journalserversidor, skannade bilder), relaterade experiment, citationssökning, referenser till uppsatsen, reaktionsdata, konferensinformation, fullständiga författarlistor för stora samarbeten. SPIRES-databaser online på SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center): HEP, HEPNames, institutioner, konferenser, experiment, jobb, videor, CODEN, SLAC Library Catalog, SLAC Speak, FreeHEP, SLAC Photographs, SLAC Seminars.