Archive for the History of Economic Thought (ebooks)

Archive for the History of Economic Thought (ebooks)

The Archive for the History of Economic Thought collects a large number of significant texts in the history of economic thought, including representative texts of all of the major thinkers and schools of thought and most of the sub-fields of economics. The texts are posted primarily for the use of students who might not otherwise have access to these writings. The archive was created and maintained by Rod Hay from McMaster University in Canada. After his death in 2008, the site is maintained by McMaster University.

Please note that the texts are to be used strictly for non-commercial educational purposes.

Subject Headings: Economic History, Economics

Archive for the History of Economic Thought samlar ett stort antal texter inom den ekonomiska vetenskapens utveckling. Texterna har främst publicerats för att studenter, som annars inte kommer åt dessa texter, skall kunna ta del av dem. Arkivet skapades och underhölls av Rod Hay vid McMaster-universitetet i Kanada. Efter hans död 2008, underhålls sidan av McMaster-universitetet.

Obserservera att texterna endast får användas för icke-kommersiella utbildningssyften.

Ämnesord: Ekonomisk historia, Nationalekonomi